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Where do you live and train Capoeira?

We live and train capoeira in Paris with Mestre Chicote.

Tell us about where or how you met.

Dedicada: With Nagô, we met at a capoeira class in Paris in 2015 joined the group. We became friends pretty quickly and started dating a few months later 😊

Nagô: We met at capoeira class in Paris in 2015, my first year training in Paris. We became friends, paceiros, shared events and shows and finally love.😍

How long have you trained Capoeira?

Dedicada: I’ve been training capoeira for more than 10 years now. I started in Athens with the group Cordao de Ouro and since 2013 when I moved to Paris, continued training with Mestre Chicote until today.

Nagô: I started capoeira in 2012 in Mexico-Queretaro in a Mexican group LDM(Longe Do Mar). After moving to Paris in 2015, I started training with CDOuro, Paris. M. Chicote became my Mestre.

So I have 9 years in this journey 💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿

What do you love about Capoeira?

Dedicada: I love the challenges that capoeira provides in so many different areas: a unique type of physical exercise, the possibility to learn about a different culture, his history and of course the music. Thanks to capoeira I have the chance to travel around the world and meet so many beautiful people, make good friends and be part of a loving international family.

Nagô: Music was the first thing to attract me to Capoeira. What I enjoy is the most is the combination of movements synchronized with music. What I love about capoeira is the tools and the ability that it gives you to express yourself in a roda or life.

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