Dear Parents,
We have been interacting with another kids Capoeira group in Riga, Latvia.
Here is the video Latvia Kids just sent us:
It is OUR turn to send back a video! YOU can help by capturing footage from Des Moines, IA.
Ideas of what to video
>>Students doing Capoeira.
>>Anything that highlights your daily life here in Des Moines!
>>Anything that highlights your child’s personalities and strengths
Where to send
>>Send videos of one minute or less via WhatsApp or text to 515-776-9384
How long of video?
>>1 minute or less per video
>>you can send multiple videos
What will happen with my videos?
The Roots Capoeira Team will compile all of the videos together for the final product to be sent back to Latvia!
Save the Date
The students will receive their cords during a special ceremony on May 18th at 4:30pm at the Grubb Y—please mark your calendars. A calendar was sent home yesterday!!
Thank you!!
Thank you for supporting your child in their after school endeavors. I know that it takes insightful and flexible parents like you to encourage your child to persevere.
Shalina Wallace